i figured that i've waited long enough to update on Caroline's doings....last time i posted anything was over 2 months ago. in baby years, that's like 478 years. so, i'm a little behind. :)
*sleeping in her crib (not her carseat). we even are using the pack and play on trips now
*at 4 months, she was 14lbs and 8ozs, exactly double her birthweight. we haven't weighed her recently, but she's a CHUNK now
*she'll turn 6 months old this thursday
*tried cereal on 11/4. made some crazy faces.
*now doing veggies and fruits as well. her favorites so far: squash, sweet potatoes, green beans, and apples. the only thing she hasn't really liked is peas
*everywhere Caroline goes, she makes friends instantly. she smiles at about anyone who will pay attention to her. she is definitely a social baby!
*she's still a lefty...she'll grab and scratch with her left hand primarily. other times, she'll just sit and study her hands....it's like she's thinking: "hey, i'm moving these things! awesome!"
*she loves being startled....she seems like she'll love roller-coasters one day!
*she got to meet Papa (Rick's dad's dad) at Pigeon Forge the first week of November. she was a hit at Thanksgiving, and got to meet alot of her cousins (especially Carolena!).
*now she's eating 4 times a day (7:00, 11:00, 3:00, 7:30). we put her down at around 8:30 most nights, and she'll sleep until 6:30 am before starting to rustle. thank goodness she's such a good sleeper!
*she easily rolls over now....that's her primary mode of transportation. if she sees a toy, she'll roll to it. she was almost 5 months old when she first rolled over, and she rolled both ways that same day (front to back and back to front).
*she loves books. she's getting good at "pat-pat". she'll pat the floor or books or anything for that matter. her big thing is scratching stuff to hear and feel the texture. like last night at church, she was patting the book i was showing her, and she found the seam in the middle of the 2 pages, and started picking at it with her left pointer finger.
*we had Xmas pics made, and she did great! most of the smiles were from us making faces at her, but one of them was from singing one of her favorite songs (Zaccheus was a wee little man....). she just stared and smiled for the whole song!
*we've traveled like crazy with her this month. Brooke's Nanny passed away, and Caroline went with Brooke to Decatur to be with the family. Caroline was an angel!!! she did so well, was smiling for everyone, went to everyone easily, and helped brighten up a sad day.
*as we're compiling this list, Caroline just got up in the crawling position (hands and knees) and rocked front to back a few times. she had NEVER done that before just then! something new everyday!
*she had her first Xmas! she got 3 Baby Faith DVD's and 2 new books for church from Santa. her Baba got her 1.5 million things.....maybe not that much, but it felt like it! she got a bunch of new toys and clothes and books! she's so blessed! and it was a WHITE Xmas! it was Daddy's first white Xmas, too!
*she just got up in the crawl position, AGAIN!!! she might just crawl while i'm typing this. :)
we can't believe she's almost 6 months old! we're so thankful for her. thanks for keeping up with us, even when we're so sporadic! :)
Great job updating! Cannot believe she is growing up so quickly....seems like she was born yesterday! Can't wait to see and hold her!!!! Mimi
She's a beautiful little girl!!
Love you!
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