Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


some of you know what "NSD" stands for. i bet most have NO clue! don't feel bad if you don't. "NSD" is "National Signing Day" for high school football recruits. and Wednesday is the big day.

to me, tomorrow is like Xmas. you know, when you couldn't wait to open your presents b/c you were so excited to see what you would have to play with for the next year. that's what tomorrow is for a young college football fan. for the last few months, fans have been making "wish lists" of recruits they hope to see in their home team's colors next fall. tomorrow, we get to open the presents and see who will make up our stars of the future.

if you're a guy, you probably know what i'm talking about. if you're not a guy, i hope you'll give you husbands a pass tomorrow as they anxiously await the news on their signing class. enjoy the day, everybody.

1 comment:

Chad said...

Well said. Sounds like it is going to be an exciting day.