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Thursday, July 10, 2008

What will your legacy be?

i got the chance to speak at the Flint church of Christ as a part of their teenage summer series class.  the theme for the summer series is "movie trailers".  see pictures above.  for each lesson, the class will watch a short clip from a movie, and then we make Biblical applications from it.  my movie was Gladiator, one of my all-time favorites.

the main lesson we discussed was looking at our purpose in life.  what is our reason for living?  how do we want to be remembered?  we made some good points about wanting to receive that inheritance of eternal life with God once this life is over (1 Peter 1:3-5).  

i think it went well.  it's strange to explain how it feels when i'm teaching/preaching.  i always tell Brooke that i'm either Peter or Paul.  when i feel comfortable and confident in my lesson and presentation, i feel like Peter preaching on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2.  when i feel nervous and awkward and the words just don't come out right, i feel like Paul (who had a reputation of being a stronger preacher in letter than in person).  fortunately, i felt like Peter last night.  

as an aside, you must click this link:  Boom Goes the Dynamite.  yes, sometimes i feel like this poor guy when i'm teaching/preaching.  


Anonymous said...

that doesn't happen everyday. wish you all the best.

Chad said...

That setup looks pretty cool. I'm sure you did a great job.